Remodeling & Construction Check List

Getting your project started right! Thank you for your business. This job represents a very big investment on your part. We truly want this to be an enjoyable and successful experience for you.


Just about everything that we do will generate dust. Every effort will be made to contain the dust. 100% containment is impossible. Dust can get just about everywhere. We recommend you change your furnace filter often. We will cover anything and everything that you direct us to. Please let us know about any family heirlooms, or prized possessions with which we need to be “extra” careful.

Hours of Work

Typically 8:00 A.M. to 4:30P.M. Monday through Friday, unless other arrangements are made. The presence of a Project Manager is dictated by the schedule and workload on your job.

  • What is the morning routine like in your household?
  • If we show up early may we come in?
  • What time do you leave for work? What time do kids go to school?
  • Are there any weekly activities we need to know about?
  • What about holidays, vacations or special occasions?

This way we know that, if we show up a little early, we might be able to catch you before work or stay a few minutes late to discuss an issue.


We prefer to keep a key in a lock box on an accessible door. This way the key does not leave the job, and if the lead installer happens to be away from the job, another Tile Collection representative can access the site. This is usually the door through which everyone will enter and exit. Please let us know if you have an alarm system. May we have a key and use a lock box, or would you prefer another method of entry?

Clean up

It is our intention to leave your job in a “broom clean” condition at the end of the job, please let us know if it is left otherwise.


Expect a few delays. They come from many sources, all unexpected. Some are due to suppliers (the model you want is out of stock, or the truckers are on strike.) Other delays occur if, once walls are opened, a situation is exposed that causes plans to be redrawn, or something else torn out. Subcontractors provide another source of delay and the domino effect pops up (a delay on a previous job makes them late on yours.) We do everything we can to keep delays to a minimum.

Payments of Invoices

Invoices will be mailed and payment is due upon receipt.You may mail in the payment, drop it by the office, or feel free to give it to the Project Manager. Prompt payment is expected and appreciated as well as necessary to avoid any disruption in work.


A construction site could pose various dangers to children. We ask that children not be allowed on the construction site, especially during work hours. If it is necessary for children to be either in or around work areas at any time, we ask that they be closely supervised.


Remodeling can be a trying experience on your pet. Many new faces will be coming and going. We will try to accommodate your pet as best as possible. Please inform us what to do if your pet “gets out” and any gates/doors that need to be kept closed.


We would like you to let us know any specific area you would prefer our crew to park their vehicles or concerns regarding your neighbors.Preparing For Your Job – We will gladly move the larger items, i.e.: refrigerator, stove, etc. We ask that you clean out all cabinets and small items affected by the work, i.e.: wall hangings, knick-knacks, etc. Let us know where we can move the larger items and we will let you know which walls may be affected that you may not have considered.

Trash Disposal

Our installers will take care of removing and disposing all demolition trash. If you have salvageable items that you would like to donate to Habitat for Humanity then the Charlotte ReStore’s Deconstruction department may be a great option to look in to. The ReStore offers deconstruction as a free service, and all items salvaged are tax deductible. We are able to salvage items such as cabinets, doors, windows, plumbing fixtures,lighting,and architectural items from both houses slated for demolition and from remodels.

Their deconstruction team consists of trained professionals who work hard to meet demolition deadlines, and take great pride and care in their work and on the homes they are working on.

To schedule a deconstruction consult, call the donation hotline at 704-392-4495.


During the normal course of construction, damage to the driveway, curbs, sidewalks, patios, adjoining plantings and sod may be beyond the control of the contractor. The contractor is not responsible for this damage, but will make every effort to avoid or minimize such damage.


On most jobs we will have a “project manager” that will run the day today aspect of your job. Jobs run smoothest when all communications are funneled through them, including conversations regarding a subcontractor . Subcontractors take instructions best from the project manager, and it keeps information in the proper channel.


All workers on your job have been asked to keep their shirts on at all times; not to smoke inside; to properly dispose of their cigarettes in a designated can outside; to play their radios at a low volume; and to clean up after themselves. Please advise the salesperson or Project Manager if any of these rules are not followed.

Change Orders

Change orders will be priced and presented for approval prior to commencement of additional work. Any deviation from the contract should be addressed immediately to avoid any misunderstandings and to help hold down cost. Please be advised that any change may interrupt the rhythm of the work and will result in a delay. Payment is due upon acceptance of change order.

Yard Signs

We would like your permission to set one of our signs in your yard. The majority of our business comes from “word – of – mouth” advertising. This sign not only helps our company generate business, but it also gives your neighbors our phone number in case they have any problems or concerns regarding our activity in the neighborhood. The sign also serves as a marker for material deliveries and subcontractors.


It is our intention to take pictures of each project prior to the start of the job and at its conclusion. If this practice is acceptable with you, we will take our “Before” pictures as soon as possible. Upon completion of the project, the design manager will schedule a time with you for “After” pictures. With your permission, your pictures may show up on our web site. Your name and address will not appear in our marketing materials without your permission

Remodeling Fever

The term coined for the natural pattern of customer emotions during a typical remodeling project. The following Remodeling Curve illustrates this pattern.

Prevent Remodeling Fever

Remember that your home will soon become a worksite. We will work hard to respect your privacy and help minimize any inconvenience. Nonetheless, the train-station atmosphere may lead to remodeling fever. You may feel a loss of control because of disrupted routines and the impact on your personal space.

The best approach is to…

  1. Prepare for inconvenience, and prepare well. Be sure to set aside a room in your home where you can escape from the chaos and commotion.
  2. Maintain a sense of humor. You may need it when the weather refuses to cooperate or a vendor postpones the delivery date for materials; and
  3. Enjoy the remodeling process. Tell the children you are “camping-in” and turn inconvenience into fun. Along the way, celebrate at completion of phases of the project, for example when drywall is finished order in your favorite take-out meal. With patience, consistent communication, and careful pre paration, the process will go smoothly and you can enjoy the results for years. There is a light at the end of this tunnel.